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The Importance of the Word List for Cashlink SafeKeeping App

The word list offers you a simple and secure way to restore your Cashlink SafeKeeping App. This guide answers your questions regarding the word list and its importance for restoring the app.

During app setup, you will be provided with a word list (also known as a Seed Phrase or Mnemonic). This functions similarly to a key for a safe deposit box. You use this key for both setting up and restoring your app. In the event of PIN loss, app deletion, or switching smartphones, you can use these 12 words to restore your digital securities.

  • The word list, also called a Mnemonic or Seed Phrase, is traditionally a learning technique to make complex information easier to remember and recall, similar to a mnemonic device. In the context of the SafeKeeping App, this means that the word list generates a cryptographic secret, granting you access to your secure vault. The conversion into a word list simplifies both writing down and entering this information. A word list might look like this:

    witch collapse practice feed shame open despair creek road again ice least

  • The English word list for our standard (BIP-39) includes 2,048 words. With a word list of 12 words, this results in 2¹²⁸ combinations (= 340,282,366,920,938,463,463 trillion). Security experts therefore consider the word list to be secure.

  • The human brain is incapable of thinking in randomness. When we hear the word "dog," we think of related words like "bowl," "cat," or other terms associated with this concept. Therefore, word lists created by humans are extremely easy to guess. By generating the word list automatically through the app, you increase the level of security.

  • During App Setup

    At the start of the app setup, you will be shown 12 words that you should write down as part of the setup process. It is essential to note these 12 words in the specified order.

    After App Setup

    After setup, you have the option to view your word list in your Cashlink SafeKeeping App. Open your app > Menu > Export Word List to access your word list. Here, too, recording the words in the specified order is crucial.

  • Please verify the accuracy of your word list. It is important to record your word list carefully and legibly. Pay attention to the specified order. This word list is essential for successfully restoring your app.

  • It is important to store the word list in a secure place. Like cash or jewelry, the word list represents an asset in the form of your digital securities, which you control with the app.

    Important! Ensure that the word list is not accessible to third parties. We will never ask you for your word list. Under no circumstances should you enter the word list on websites.

  • We recommend making backups of your word list. However, ensure that you store these backups securely as well.

Backing Up the Word List on Paper (Recommended)
Here are a few tips for backing up your word list on paper:
  1. Use waterproof ink and paper!
  2. Write on a solid surface to prevent the words from pressing through!
  3. Store it in a secure location!
Additional Backup of the Word List in a Password Manager

During the setup process in the Cashlink SafeKeeping App, you have the option to additionally store your word list in a password manager. Modern password managers are end-to-end encrypted, providing robust protection against digital theft. It is important to follow these guidelines:

  • Use a trusted password manager. Examples of trusted password managers include Keeper, LastPass, and 1Password.

  • Only use this password manager on your smartphone.​

Storing the Word List

What other options are there for storing my word list?

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